Chase the Darkness Read online

Page 11

  “Okay, Micah,” Noah began. “I’m going to start the IV with Jacee’s blood mixed in it, and the solution will feed into your body over the next few hours. You should start to feel better pretty fast, with all her fantastic shifter antibodies giving you that boost you need to heal.”

  “Sounds great. Stop talking and do it.”

  The nurse gave Micah a sympathetic pat on the arm and then got to work. Tilting his head down, Micah watched the needle push into the port. Then Noah fiddled with some sort of dial on the tubing, and the red liquid started down the line and into the port. It felt cold going into his vein, but nothing much different—

  And then he gasped, heaving in a great gulp of air. His eyes went wide as every cell in his body came alive. It was as though each individual one had been lit by a beam of brilliant sunshine.

  “Micah? Are you all right?” Noah asked. Quickly, the nurse began checking his vitals.

  “Honey?” Jacee was peering at her mate worriedly, gripping his hand.

  “Yes, it’s fine,” he managed. “It feels like I got pumped with pure adrenaline. Like I’m lit from the inside out.”

  “Good.” Noah appeared pleased. “That’s what we’re going for. Don’t go running around the block, though, okay? I’ll be back in a bit.”

  The nurse walked out, and Micah gazed up at his mate. Her face wasn’t so blurry anymore, and he could focus without his head feeling as though it was going to burst open.

  He glanced at the IV. “That’s some good stuff.”

  “There’s more where that came from.” Her stomach growled, and she blushed.

  “When’s the last time you ate?” Her silence was answer enough. “You can’t take care of me if you let yourself get weak, too. Get over to the compound and have something to eat, please?”

  She didn’t want to leave him, he could tell, but she hadn’t been away from his side much, and being famished got the best of her. “All right, but I won’t be gone long.”

  Kissing him soundly, she headed out the door. He missed her presence immediately, but was comforted by knowing she’d be back soon. He just wished his new mate didn’t have to deal with the “sickness” part of “in sickness and in health” quite this early in their relationship.

  Hopefully the treatment would work.

  If it didn’t— No. He wouldn’t think like that. Already tired, he closed his eyes and gave in to sleep.

  But this time he literally breathed a little easier than before.

  * * *

  Micah seemed better. Weren’t his eyes clearer? And he hadn’t seemed in as much pain as before.

  Jacee was so lost in thought, she didn’t even see the man who’d rounded the corner in front of her until it was too late to avoid the collision. She hit his chest with a muffled oof and instantly stepped back, face flaming.

  “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

  Looking up, she met the man’s smiling face, and her skin crawled. It wasn’t that he was ugly at all, but something about him seemed off. Like his clear eyes were looking through her instead of at her, and his smile appeared pasted on. Wooden.

  He was tall, on the thin side, and although his face was that of a younger man, his hair was sparse and gray. Definitely odd. His teeth were a bit yellowed and his breath wasn’t very fresh. The rest of him didn’t smell very pleasant, either—sort of like milk that had gotten left out too long in the sun.

  “It’s all right, Miss . . . ?” He let the question hang, expecting an introduction.

  Cursing inwardly, she decided there wasn’t a way to get around it without things getting awkward, so she capitulated. To a point. “Jacee.” He wasn’t getting her last name.

  “I’m Parker. Nice to run into you.” He laughed at his own lame joke. “Perhaps we’ll do it again some time.”

  “Maybe so. Take care.” Giving him a fake smile, she moved around him and continued on her way without looking back.

  She could swear she sensed his eyes on her, though, and she didn’t breathe easy until the elevator doors closed and the lift started downward. Jeez, what a creep! He must have been visiting somebody at Sanctuary, though she couldn’t imagine his presence would make anyone feel better. If she saw him lurking over her bed, she’d go into cardiac arrest.

  Putting him out of her mind, she made her way to the main building. Nick had given her an access code for the direct corridor, and she got in with no problem. Finding the dining room was another matter, and she got lost a few times before finally meeting up with Aric after she’d turned down the fourth or fifth hallway.

  “Hey, pretty lady, you lost?”

  “As a flea in a sandstorm. Can you direct me to the dining room? I’m starving.”

  The redhead laughed. “This is a big place, ain’t it? That’s where I’m going. You can grab a bite with me and Rowan.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Jacee studied Aric slyly on the way to their destination. The man was snarky and funny as hell, and she liked him a lot. He had a strong personality, too. It was easy to see why Rowan had fallen for him. Each of the guys she’d met had his own special appeal, but Aric was one of her favorites, maybe because of his fun, rebellious attitude.

  This side of him really came to the forefront around his Pack brothers. The minute they walked into the dining room, he was calling out to his friends, “Hey, you ugly fuckers! Did your greedy asses save me any food?”

  “Fuck you, asshole!”

  A round of good-natured insults ensued, and Jacee found herself laughing for the first time in many tension-filled hours. Maybe the show was for her benefit, but she didn’t care. It warmed her to them even more.

  Aric led her to a table where Rowan sat with a blue-haired, blue-winged creature so freaking beautiful, he could only be the Fae prince she’d heard about. More than a little nervous, she took a seat and smiled at her companions.

  “How’s my baby bro?” Rowan asked, looking worn-out.

  “Better. Noah put in the IV with my blood tonight, and he said it was like pure adrenaline. He’s resting pretty well right now, so he made me come grab some food.”

  “That’s good.” Rowan looked relieved.

  “Yes, it is.” Jacee looked at the Fae, who was watching her curiously. “Hello. I’m Jacee Buchanan, Micah’s mate. Well, soon-to-be.”

  The creature smiled, showing off a set of gorgeous white teeth. “I’m Sariel, renegade Fae. Wonderful to meet you.”

  Jacee reached over to shake his hand, but he turned hers over and kissed the back of it instead. “A renegade and a gentleman at the same time. How does that work?”

  “Quite well, I’m told.” His golden eyes sparkled with humor.

  Conversation at the table turned to general chat, and she listened while studying the Fae prince. He appeared young, maybe in his twenties, but his eyes were fathomless. She got the distinct impression he was much older than he looked.

  Sariel turned from Rowan to grin at her. “Have you dissected me yet?”

  Her face flushed. “Sorry. I’ve just never met a faery before.”

  “I felt the same when I was first cast from my realm and landed in Ireland quite unceremoniously. What would you like to know?”

  “How old are you?” she blurted.

  That made him laugh, and crinkled the corners of those amazing eyes. “Got a guess?”

  “A few hundred? Five, maybe?”

  That made the others around them chuckle, and Sariel shook his head. “A tad higher.”

  “A thousand?”

  “A bit more. I’m eleven thousand years old.” He paused thoughtfully. “Give or take a century.”

  “Holy shit! And I thought shifters were long-lived!”

  For a second, Sariel’s smile was sad. “Eternity isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, as they say. Anyway, let’s eat.”

  Jacee dug into her spaghetti, but noticed Sariel’s plate held salad and fruit. He picked at it more than he ate, but no one commented, so she gue
ssed this was normal behavior for him. The food was delicious, placed family-style in the middle of the table, everyone serving themselves. The setup and the talk all around her created a homey atmosphere she liked and had missed for a long time.

  She should’ve known the peaceful interlude would be interrupted. After all, she was bound to face the music sooner or later. Jax’s voice sounded from the entrance to the dining room, and a woman laughed at something he said. Reluctantly, Jacee turned her head to look over her shoulder.

  Jax spotted her at the same time, and whatever he’d been saying died on his lips. This caused his female companion to find the source of his dismay, and Jacee was soon being stared at like a bug in their soup. Awesome.

  Not only that, but the other Pack brothers noticed the three of them facing off, and all eyes were suddenly on the unfolding drama. Talk around them died a painful death. So, Jacee did the only thing she could think of.

  Getting out of her seat, she crossed the room and merely nodded and said pleasantly, “Jax, good to see you again.”

  “You, too,” he managed.

  Awkward. Then she gave Kira her most sincere smile and said, “You must be Kira. I’ve heard so much about you, especially how you’re responsible for starting Sanctuary.”

  If the other woman had been expecting hostility or open warfare, she was apparently surprised. “Oh. Yes, well, it was a team effort. I enjoy my work there.”

  “It shows. The facility is wonderful, and so is the staff. If it wasn’t for Sanctuary and qualified staff like Mac and Noah, Micah would be in real trouble right now.” Her voice wavered as she went on. “My mate means the world to me, so thank you for starting that place and making sure sick shifters and others like him have a place to heal.”

  At that, a great deal of the cool, aloof demeanor about Kira vanished. Her expression warmed, and she took one of Jacee’s hands in hers. “I’m glad he and the others have somewhere to go, too. The doctors and nurses there are top-notch, and if anyone can get him well, they can.”

  “We’re all pulling for him,” Jax added softly. “Micah and I started out in the Navy SEALs together, and we’ve been through a lot of shit. He deserves to be happy.”

  “He’s my friend, too,” Kira said.

  “I intend to make sure he’s happy and stays that way,” Jacee assured them. “He’s special to me as well.”

  Everyone who’d been expecting a blowup went back to their meals with shrugs, and the tension popped like a balloon. Jacee doubted the three of them would be bosom buddies too quickly, but at least they wouldn’t kill one another.

  “I’m glad you’re mated and happy.” Jacee gestured to them both. “You make a great couple.”

  Jax grinned. “Thanks.” Kira echoed his sentiment.

  Returning to her table, Jacee was met with the amused smirks of her companions. “What?”

  Sariel tossed down his napkin. “Well, how disappointing! I was hoping for blood and guts. Where’s a good cat fight when you need one?”

  “Dog fight,” Rowan corrected.


  Aric chuckled, and Jacee sensed some inside joke in the exchange. But they didn’t explain, so she finished her dinner quickly, wanting to get back to Micah. When she was done, she wiped her mouth and stood.

  “I want to get back, but thanks for the chat and the break. I needed that.”

  “Want me to take over for tonight?” Rowan offered.

  Aric nodded. “Or I can. You could go get some real sleep.”

  “I couldn’t sleep if I was away from him, not knowing what’s going on. But thanks anyway, guys.”

  Rowan stood and hugged her. “If you change your mind, give us a call.”

  “Will do.”

  Back in Micah’s room, Jacee settled onto the sofa close by. It was past nine o’clock, and he was sleeping soundly. Was the rasp in his chest better? His lungs sounded more clear. He certainly seemed to be resting much better, not moaning or tossing as he’d done before.

  The bag of crimson fluid was more than halfway empty, and it would be a few hours before Noah returned with a fresh one. She watched her mate until she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore.

  Then she joined him in slumber.

  * * *

  Three days.

  Three boring days of being poked, prodded, and tested. Micah was going out of his mind, but in the best way.

  He was feeling fantastic.

  And now that his body was rallying, his wolf was revved up and ready to claim his mate. Every single time she walked into his room, it was all he could do to refrain from grabbing her, tossing her onto his bed, and having his way with her, regardless of who might come walking in to get an eyeful.

  It might be worth getting thrown out. Maybe it would speed along his discharge papers? Nah, Mac would kill him after all and save the disease the trouble.

  Next to him, Jacee laid her magazine in her lap and cocked her head at him with a bemused expression. “What are you smiling about over there?”

  “Fucking you right here on this bed with your round ass turned up and me pounding into it like there’s no tomorrow.”

  “Micah!” Her mouth fell open, and she smacked him on the arm with her magazine. “You horny wolf.”

  “You asked!”

  “I guess you are feeling better. Wonder when Mac’s going to have those last test results?”

  “Anytime, I hope. I’m ready to get the hell out of here.”

  “Where do you want to go when you’re released?”

  “Go? What do you mean?”

  Hesitating, she studied her lap for a second before meeting his eyes again. “We’re mates, or will be. Are we going to live together? Or separately? I’m not sure what you want.”

  “Oh! God, I feel so stupid.” He reached out for her hand and enfolded it in his. “I want to live wherever makes you happy, baby. Nick likes for the team to live on the compound, but your house is only a short drive into town, so he might make an exception if you want us to stay there, at least for now.”

  “You think so?”

  She looked so hopeful, he resolved to speak with Nick the second Mac let him go. “I’m pretty sure. I’ll see if I can work something out with him.”

  Jacee’s megawatt smile was payment enough for even entertaining the idea of giving up life here with his brothers. This woman was quickly becoming his everything, his feelings growing stronger as she selflessly cared for him through his illness each day. She could easily have left him to the hospital’s care and only mated with him when he got well, nothing more. But she was a kind person, with lots of love to give.

  Could she really love him? Could he be that lucky?

  “All right, who’s ready to leave?” Mac burst into the room, waving a sheaf of papers and grinning from ear to ear.

  Micah blinked. “I’m free?”

  “Free and clear! Your test results show no sign of leukemia, thanks to several rounds of your mate’s blood.”

  Jacee launched herself at him, and he crushed her to his chest. Then he gave her a slow, sweet kiss, which promised much more, later. Mac gave them a moment, and finally they pulled apart.

  Micah cleared his throat. “What are the chances of recurrence?”

  “I’ll be honest—I just don’t know. My guess is it’s gone for good, but I want you back every six months for a checkup for the first two years. After that, every year for five years. Past the seven-year mark, I’ll feel better saying you’re totally clear.”

  “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “No need. Good old shifter biology got you out of this mess, I think, and mating will keep you out. Go home and create that bond, and I’m pretty sure nature will take care of the rest.”

  “Well, thanks, anyway. I haven’t felt this good in over a year, Mac.”

  “How are the cravings for myst?”

  Aware of Jacee’s gaze, Micah thought about that. Honesty was best. “The cravings are still there, but I think I ca
n handle them. I don’t want any more drugs in my body.”

  “I think that’s for the best. We’ll continue our counseling as your memories return, and I believe you’ll do well with just that now.”

  “Works for me.”

  “All right. Go, take it easy for a few days. You’re off work for two more weeks, so no demon fights until then.” Mac winked, and looked at Jacee. “Take care of him.”

  “I plan on it, if he’ll let me.”

  “Do I look like a fool?” Micah asked.

  Mac signed his release papers and left. Jacee handed him a pile of folded clothes, which he accepted gratefully. It would be nice to get out of the breezy hospital gown and into his jeans and T-shirt. He dressed efficiently, amazed at the energy coursing through him. If that was from a few pints of his mate’s blood, being bonded to her was really going to make him feel like a new man. And wolf.

  On their way out, he grabbed Jacee’s duffel and draped the strap over one shoulder. In the hallway by the nurses’ station, he shook Noah’s hand and thanked him. Then he put his arm around Jacee and enjoyed the way she fit against him as they made their way to the main building.

  “I’ll show you to my quarters. You can hang there if you want while I go talk to Nick.”

  “I’d rather go with you, if it’s all the same,” she said. “Where we’re going to stay affects me, too.”

  Immediately he could’ve kicked himself. “Of course, you’re right. I didn’t mean to leave you out of any decisions, I just thought . . .” There wasn’t any way to finish that sentence that wouldn’t land him in hot water, so he didn’t. “Anyway, let’s see if he’s in his office.”

  The compound was busy when they arrived. Many well-wishers stopped to talk and see how Micah was doing, so getting to Nick’s office took longer than they’d expected. When they finally got there, Micah knocked.

  “Come in.” Nick looked up and greeted them warmly. “Well, it’s good to see you two out of that place. Have a seat and tell me what I can do for you.”

  “You don’t know already?” Micah asked.

  Nick rolled his eyes, taking the ribbing in stride, and looked at Jacee. “See what I put up with? They love to play ‘mock the Seer,’ as if I haven’t heard those jokes a million times.”