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Chase the Darkness Page 10
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Page 10
For a few minutes she hung her head and let the tears fall. The commander rubbed her shoulder, offering what comfort he could. Distantly, she was aware of the passenger’s door opening and someone stepping in to put an arm around her.
“Jacee? Honey, he’s going to be all right.”
Lifting her face, she saw Micah’s sister, Rowan. For some reason that made the tears fall faster, and she hugged the other woman tight as she tried to get her terror under control.
“This shouldn’t be happening to him,” Jacee rasped.
Rowan eased back and dashed away tears as well. “You already care for him.”
“I do. He’s important to me, and he doesn’t deserve this shit.”
“Then let’s get in there and make sure he gets well, huh?”
Jacee got out of the SUV and was aware of Nick getting her bag from the back as she walked inside with Rowan. For a hospital, the facility was beautiful, and she said so.
“Oh, it’s much more than a hospital. It’s a rehabilitation center for injured shifters or other paranormal beings who are having difficulty integrating into our world. Some are sick, but some need mental care as well.”
“It’s incredible.”
“Sure beats the old hospital and the jail cells in the main building—that’s for sure,” the other woman remarked. “Kira had a fit when she first saw them and the poor beings that were locked up inside. One of her rescues, Sariel, is a Fae prince who helps run Sanctuary now. You’ll meet him—well, all of them—sooner or later.”
Jacee tried to assimilate all of that, especially the Fae prince whom Micah had already told her some about. But her brain kept coming back to one thing. “Kira works here? She’s Jax’s mate, right?”
Rowan cut her a sharp look. “Is that going to be a problem? ’Cause I’ll tell you, we’ve got enough of them on our plate without you and Kira getting into a fight in the middle of the compound.”
“I’ve got no issue with either of them, and I’m sure Jax couldn’t care less about me as anything except maybe a friend. Eventually. Kira, I’m not so sure about. Everyone else probably thinks I’m just the slut who slept with one of their Pack bros.”
“Slut?” Rowan half laughed.
“Yeah, a slut. You know, a woman with the morals of a man.”
This time Rowan laughed outright. “That’s a good one.”
“I read that somewhere. Been waiting to use it.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I don’t think that about you.”
“Besides, none of the men has room to talk. Did you know that before most of them mated, they used to take regular trips to Vegas to hook up and get their rocks off?” Rowan said as they got into the elevator.
Nick, Jacee noted, looked uncomfortable with the turn in the conversation. “Really?”
“Yep. Every one of these guys has seen more pussy than a judge at the Supreme Cat Show. Any one of them gives you shit, you remember that.”
Jacee snickered and decided she liked this woman. Maybe they would end up being friends. As they reached the third floor, however, she sobered and was attacked by nerves. They stepped out of the elevator, and she turned to her companions.
“What do I do now?”
“Mac has a room set aside for you to stay in—” Nick began.
“Wait a second. I’m staying with Micah, right? Why do I need my own room?” Rowan and Nick exchanged a glance and worry filled her. “What?”
Nick clarified the situation. “Micah doesn’t want you seeing him suffer while he’s going through withdrawal, so Mac is putting you in your own room.”
“Um, not only no, but fuck no!” Jacee yelled. Her coyote was already growling at the idea of being separated from her mate.
“You’ll be close by just in case—”
“With all due respect, Commander, what part of Fuck that stupid idea didn’t anyone understand? I’m staying with my mate, and I want to see him now!” Looking around, she raised her voice on that last part for the benefit of anyone listening. And there were a few people gathering. Especially the blond cutie Noah, who came running to smooth things over.
“Hey, okay! Calm down, sweetie. Deep breaths.” He kept talking, patting her on the back. Clearly, he’d dealt with a pissed shifter or two in his career. “There we go. Well! I think Jacee has made her feelings quite clear on the matter, and this is now an issue for the two mates to work out. Wouldn’t you agree, Dr. Grant?”
Mac hurried over to the group, and it was obvious she’d heard the commotion. “I think it’s best for Jacee to stay with him, no matter how stubborn he’s trying to be. He’s going to need her, and he’ll be glad she’s there once he sees her.”
“But he said he’d leave,” Rowan fretted.
“He’s too weak to follow through,” Mac said. “There’s no way he’s going anywhere.”
“That settles it. I’m staying with him.” Jacee’s voice was firm.
“There’s a sofa under the window you can sleep on. Noah will bring you a blanket and a pillow. He’s in room three-o-five.” Mac pointed. “I’ll be along later to explain what’s happening, but I’ll give you some time alone with him first.”
Jacee wasn’t alone right away. Nick followed and set her bag in the room. Rowan came along for moral support and to check on her brother. But the second Jacee stepped inside, her eyes were only for her mate.
Micah was sleeping fitfully, his dark lashes resting like lace against pale cheeks. His hair was damp, stuck to his face, and fanned on his pillow. His chest rose and fell with harsh breaths, as though he couldn’t quite breathe comfortably. One of his wrists was cuffed to the bed rail, and the sight of it hit her in the gut. Scanning his body, she felt down his legs, lifted the sheet, and saw that his ankles were secured, too.
“Why is he chained like an animal?” Jacee fumed.
“Because of the withdrawal,” Nick answered. “They were afraid he’d hurt himself or one of the nurses.”
“He’s too sick to hurt anyone! I want them off.”
“Me, too, but we’ll have to see what Mac says.”
Those fucking cuffs were coming off if Jacee had to saw them off herself. Pulling up a chair, she sat beside Micah and laid a hand on his arm. She had to touch him, if only like this. He looked far too vulnerable, such a far cry from the wolf who’d run in the forest and made love to her. If only she’d known he was so ill.
What could she have done? Nothing but be there for him. But she was here now, so that would have to count for something.
Nick and Rowan left for a while, and Jacee just watched Micah sleep. After a couple of hours, she turned the television on low and caught the news. As usual, it was all bad. She turned to a channel that played reruns of classic sitcoms and left it there.
About three hours after her arrival, Micah began to stir. He moaned, the sound miserable, as though he was in pain.
“Micah? Sweetheart, it’s me. Jacee.”
Her voice penetrated the fog, and his eyes cracked open. At first he seemed to have some trouble focusing, but eventually he found her face. Relief warred with shame in his eyes.
“Jacee,” he whispered, “I told them not to let you see me like this.”
“We’re mates. Did you really believe they could keep me from your side?”
He tried to smile. “Guess not.”
“When you told me there were things I didn’t know, I didn’t dream you were sick.” Resting her arm on the bed, she stroked his silky hair. He turned his head into her touch.
“Too much?”
“No. Never.”
“I didn’t know about the leukemia. Until today.”
“I know.” Her throat threatened to close up with grief.
“Sorry you’re stuck with this. With me.” His lashes did a slow blink. He was already getting tired.
“Stop that. Do you hear me? I’m right where I want to be.”
“Yes, sweetie?”
“Tell somebody to get Ryon.”
“He’s the blond Pack team member, right?”
“Yeah. Ryon Hunter. He’s a Telepath and Channeler. Talks to dead people.”
That was disturbing on many levels. “Is there a particular reason you need to see him, or just to visit?”
“He’s my friend, but there’s a reason. Something he needs to tell me.”
“Okay. I’ll have someone get him for you.”
“Rest for now.”
Micah was out almost immediately. Mac came by shortly after and began checking his vitals and, to Jacee’s immense relief, released his wrist and ankles.
Jacee gestured to her mate. “Why is he going downhill so fast? He seemed fine a couple of days ago.”
“The myst has weakened his body, and now the withdrawal from it is seriously draining him. That’s allowed the cancer to move in and step up the attack at an alarming rate.”
“When will we start giving him my blood?”
The doc noted his temperature and faced Jacee. “Right away. I was going to wait until the detox was complete, but I don’t think he has that much time, quite honestly.” Her voice lowered in sympathy. “Hang in there. Noah will be by soon to get things started.”
“All right. By the way, Micah wants to see Ryon as soon as possible.”
“I’ll call Ryon and let him know.”
“Thanks.” Mac left her alone with Micah again.
I don’t think he has that much time.
Jacee was more frightened than she’d been since her family had been murdered. If she lost Micah, too, her life was over. She’d give up, and that would be fine by her. Losing her true Bondmate would be the final blow she’d never survive.
A short time later, there was a knock on the door, and a good-looking blond man walked into the room. Others might disagree, but she thought he sort of looked like that Fast and Furious actor, the late Paul Walker.
“Ryon?” she said.
“That’s me,” he said with an honest smile. “Good to see you outside the bar, Jacee.”
“You, too, though I wish it wasn’t under these circumstances.”
Ryon looked toward the bed and his smile vanished. “Me, too.”
“Do you know why he wants to see you?”
“Yeah. If he doesn’t mind you staying, I’ll tell you all about it, too.”
“I don’t mind,” Micah said quietly. “She stays.”
“Hey, bro.” Walking over, Ryon gave his friend a brotherly hug. “Cancer? What the fuck, man?”
“I know, right? Bowman fucked me over good.”
“He did, but Mac’s going to get you well. Count on that.” Taking a seat on the other side of the bed, Ryon said, “I suppose you want to know about the spirit who’s hanging around you.”
“Got it in one. It had slipped my mind, but when faced with my mortality? Yeah, I thought of it and kind of wondered if the spirit was important to me. If it had a message or something.”
“Well, I can ask her if you want because she’s sitting right beside Jacee.”
Jacee jumped and whipped her head to look at the spot Ryon indicated, but there was nothing present but air. “Um, one of us is crazy and it’s not me.”
“Her?” Micah asked, curious.
“Yep. Your ghost is a woman. Older Hispanic lady, close to sixty years old. Attractive. She’s wearing a pretty pink dress with little white flowers, says it was her favorite though she hardly ever had a place to wear it since she cleaned houses for a living. Where the hell was she supposed to go and dress up? But she loved it, and was buried in it, along with the cameo brooch she has on that belonged to her grandmother.”
Micah’s face paled even more, if that was possible. Staring at the spot, he croaked, “Mama?”
“She says yes,” Ryon confirmed, “and that you’re still the most special boy in the world, and she loves you with all her heart.”
“She always said that. I love you, too, Mama.” Micah cleared his throat.
“But she’s got a message. She came because she sensed you’re in trouble, in more ways than one. She knows you’re sick and said that you’re to fight and not give up. You will beat this thing. Got that?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Jacee wiped away a tear.
“She also feels an evil presence near you. She says, listen to Nick, and more important, to your own inner voice. There’s a man who would do you and your mate harm, and to best him you must be at full strength again. You must fight.”
“I will, I promise. Who is he?”
“He’s someone from your not-so-distant past. He’s a monster, but he’s good at concealing himself. He’ll attack when your guard is down, when you least expect it.”
“His name?”
“She doesn’t know it. But if you and your Pack dig deep enough, his name is there, as well as his motivation.”
“Thank you, Mama. I love you.”
“She says you’re welcome, but she’d do anything for her children. One day you’ll understand. She loves you, and she says to be happy with your mate. She’ll see you again one day,” Ryon said quietly. He paused. “She’s gone, buddy.”
“That was incredible,” Jacee breathed. “I’m seriously creeped out. You’re sure that was really your mother?”
“I’m sure. There’s no way Ryon could’ve known what we buried her in or about my grandmother’s brooch.”
“Unless Rowan had mentioned it?”
“I swear she never did,” Ryon said. “I’m the real thing. It’s hard even for paranormal creatures to believe in my gift because it’s something most of them can’t see or touch. I don’t mind most of the time.”
“I believe you. It’s just the strangest gift I think I’ve ever witnessed.”
Ryon snorted. “No, watch Kalen use his necromancing skills to raise a corpse from the dead and have a conversation with it. Now that’s weird.”
Jacee shuddered. “I’ll pass. Thanks.”
Ryon stood to take his leave and clapped Micah gently on the shoulder. “I’ll be back soon. You take care and kick this thing so we can go have a beer to celebrate.” He smiled at Jacee. “And to celebrate your new mate, too.”
“You know it,” Micah said.
Ryon took his leave, and Jacee was alone with her mate again. Micah slumped back into the pillows, totally exhausted. “Jacee?”
“I’m glad you’re here, even though I was a dumbass about it at first.”
Leaning over, she kissed him on the lips. “I’m glad I’m here, too. And I’m going to make sure you live to be a dumbass for a long time to come.”
He fell asleep with a small smile on his lips.
The monster raged and paced back and forth in his brother’s room.
“Why is he so sick? Why have they admitted him? He can’t die by any hand other than mine,” he hissed.
From the bed, his companion winced. “I don’t know. But isn’t it enough that he’s suffering? That he might die all on his own?”
“Of course it’s not. That would never be enough.” He paced some more and then stopped by the bed. “I thought leaving the mutilated woman near where he’d been running and screwing with his new bitch was an excellent warning. Apparently it was too subtle. I’ll have to step up my game.”
“Please, brother, don’t harm anyone else, not on his account. No one is going to believe he’d do such a thing, anyway.”
He paused. “I’ll consider it. Perhaps I should just go straight to the source, eh? You keep your ears open and your mouth shut. You know what happens when I get angry, and if you tell anyone about me, I’ll get very angry. Let me know if you hear what’s going on.”
“I will,” the younger man said reluctantly. His eyes were dull. Tired.
That was Micah Chase’s fault, too.
Dammit to hell! The monster left, but no one paid him any attention. Not in this form. But
in the other . . .
Oh, in the other, they’d run screaming in terror. As Micah and his new, sweet mate would do.
Just before he ripped them both into tiny pieces.
* * *
Micah was burning in hell.
Every breath was like sucking in flames, and his entire body felt like he’d been beaten with hammers. How much was from the detox and how much was due to his other illness he didn’t know. Only that he was ready for whatever treatment they wanted to try.
Either that or he could just die.
Now he understood why people welcomed the end when their time came. How did humans do this for months or years? Ironically, they were stronger than he was. One day and he was over this.
“Where’s Noah?” Micah whispered. Next to him, Jacee stirred and stroked his face, his hair. It was the only pleasurable sensation among the terrible ones gripping him.
“He’ll be here soon. They just drew my first round of blood.”
He frowned. “You already went?”
“Yes, and came back. You’ve been really out of it.”
“Don’t you dare apologize,” she murmured, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
She smelled so good, his wolf whimpered in appreciation. How he wished he was well enough to claim her as his own.
“I was so stupid,” he said.
“How so?”
“Should’ve claimed you when I had the chance.”
“Hey, you will, and I’ll return the favor just as soon as you’re better! Don’t think for one second you’re getting out of it.”
He smiled, or tried to. A wave of pain swept him from his head to his feet, and he groaned. If any mating was going to happen, Noah had better hurry with that blood and they’d all better hope it worked.
No sooner had that thought entered his mind than the door opened. The sound of footsteps hurried in, and he finally cracked his eyes open to see the blurry form of the nurse rushing around, readying an IV bag full of crimson liquid. He hung it on a metal pole, then rolled the pole close to the bed. After attaching the tube to it, he prepared to insert the needle part into the port in Micah’s hand.