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- J. D. Tyler
Chase the Darkness Page 21
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Page 21
“You know,” he said simply, his expression tired. Resigned. “He’s going to kill me now.”
Crossing his arms over his chest, Micah started off the questioning. “What do we know, Tyler? Who’s going to kill you?”
“Oh, come on. There’s no need to play games anymore, is there? I’ve tried to tell Parker over and over that he wasn’t going to be able to get away with what he’s been doing, but he’s crazy,” the younger man whispered. “I mean, completely bat-shit Jack Nicholson in The Shining crazy.”
“Yeah,” Micah deadpanned. “I got that message.”
“I’m so sorry.” Tyler’s face was anguished. “He’s always been so good to me, but these days it’s the kind of nice that scares me. That smile someone gives you right before they tear your face off. If he ever lost it around me, I don’t think it would even register that I’m his brother until I was in pieces at his feet.”
“We can help you,” Nick said, “if you help us.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“First off, if you tell him that we’ve talked?” Nick indicated all of them. “Deal’s off. You’re not our problem anymore, and you get no protection.”
Tyler’s face paled, and he clutched the sheets. “I won’t, I swear. He’s made his bed, and I can’t save him.”
“Okay. Next, is there a set day he comes to see you?”
“He sometimes comes on Fridays, but not every time. He didn’t come last Friday, but I can find out if he’s coming this Friday.”
“You have his phone number?”
“Yeah, cell.”
Tyler recited that for them, and they saved it. Micah knew Nick would have the number run as soon as they left here.
Jax spoke up. “Be careful when you talk to him. Don’t make it sound like it’s important that he show up one way or the other. But imply you’re lonely or something. We want him to come this Friday.”
“I’ll get him here. Don’t worry.”
“Good,” Micah said. “We’ll take care of the rest. The less you know about the particulars, the better.”
Nick pinned Tyler with a hard look. “All of your calls and contact will be closely monitored from here on out. Just so you realize.”
“I figured as much. I won’t double-cross you guys, I promise.” In spite of his obvious misery, Tyler also looked a great deal relieved to have the secret out.
They took their leave and headed for the elevators. As they waited, Nick said, “I believe him.”
“So do I,” Micah said. “But if we’re wrong, this is gonna be a hell of a clusterfuck.”
Jax smirked. “And then some.”
They parted ways, and Micah hurried back to his mate. All of that had taken much longer than he’d wanted. And he wanted his mate.
He found her in the bathroom, cleaning the tub, her tight little ass poking straight up in the air. Sneaking up behind her, he reached out and grabbed both globes in his palms.
Squealing, she straightened and whipped around, smacking him in the chest with a wet, soapy rag. It hit him with a squelch, leaving a dripping spot on his T-shirt. Her eyes widened; then she giggled. “There! See what you get for scaring me?”
“Yeah? I’ll show you what you get for running around with your ass sticking up in those shorts like that.”
Intent on getting some of that gorgeous skin, he grabbed the waistband of her shorts and pulled the material apart. The zipper ripped and the button popped off and went flying, hitting somewhere with a plink.
“Micah! Those were one of my favorite pairs!”
“I’ll buy you some more.”
Working his fingers under the material, he slid them down her hips, along with her panties. A little afternoon delight was in order, and his wolf couldn’t have agreed more.
“But I’m all hot and sweaty,” she protested. The words, however, came out pretty weak and pathetic.
He decided on a compromise. “Got it covered.”
Reaching out, he turned on the shower to let the water warm up. Then he finished undressing his mate, uncovering every inch of her delicious golden body. Her proud breasts with their rosy-tipped nipples begged to be tasted, so he did exactly that, laving one, then the other. He sucked them next, and she arched into him, digging her fingers into his hair.
“I like that,” he murmured. “Pull my hair if you want.”
She took him at his word, gripping a little harder when he reached between her legs and began to play with her clit. He rubbed the tiny bud, getting her good and worked up, until she moaned and writhed against him. Satisfied that she was ready, he quickly undressed and pulled her into the shower with him.
The spray made a nice, warm, silky curtain over them as he turned her to face the wall. He kneaded her shoulders and back, smiling at the small sounds of pleasure escaping her throat. All the way down her spine, he kept going, to her butt, and he worked the muscles there as well.
“You do have magic in your hands,” she said in appreciation.
“That’s not the only place.”
“Show me.”
“How about my tongue? And my cock?”
“Both, please!”
Kneeling on the stall floor, he nibbled her ass, then spread the creamy mounds. From behind, he licked her slit and laved it until she was wet, dripping for him. Gently he worked two fingers into her channel and pumped, making sure she was ready.
Then he stood and brought the head of his cock to her entrance, began to ease himself inside. She was so snug around him, just the right fit, clasping his shaft like a soft glove. Suddenly he had to concentrate not to come like an overeager teenager.
“Oh, Micah. Yes . . .”
He relished the feeling of being inside her. Couldn’t believe that she belonged to him. You’re mine, and I’m yours, too.
Yes, my mate.
I love you, sweetheart.
I love you, too, so much.
Holding her close, he thrust deep inside her, increasing the tempo. There was nothing on earth better than this closeness, this sharing and connecting with another person meant just for him. He was the luckiest bastard ever.
He drove them both to the peak, flirting with the razor’s edge of release. And finally he could take it no more, and his balls drew up. The tingling started at the base of his spine, and he exploded, rocking inside her. His orgasm sent her over as well, and she cried out, tensing, reaching back, burying her fingers in his hair.
When at last they were spent, he pulled out, and they took turns soaping each other playfully, laughing. A few short months ago, he never would have believed there’d be a time when a smile would cross his lips. When laughter would warm his soul.
When a beautiful mate would capture his heart.
He’d do anything to protect what was his.
Later, they were relaxing on the sofa, Micah sprawled out with Jacee between his legs and resting against his back. Two glasses of wine were half full on the coffee table beside them, and he was cozy. Soft seventies pop was playing on the stereo.
“This is the life,” he said happily.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.”
“Might get cramped and hungry.”
“Silly.” She was quiet for a few moments before she spoke up again. “Tell me about today.”
Leave it to reality to intrude. “Well, thanks to Noah, we ID’d our monster as Parker Anderson. His brother, Tyler, is one of the patients at Sanctuary.”
Wiggling in his lap, she craned her neck to see him. “Really? Wow.”
“Yeah. We cracked Tyler like a walnut. In truth, he was ready to break, though. Seems the pressure of having a psycho for a brother is getting to be a tad too much.”
“I can imagine.”
“I tortured both of them, under Bowman’s orders. Yet they turned out so different.”
“You know that lab twisted Parker into something evil, and you had nothing to do with that. You’re just a convenient target because there’s no one left.�
He didn’t completely agree that he’d had nothing to do with how Parker turned out, but he kept the thought to himself. “Tyler’s left. And he’s terrified of his brother.”
“What are you guys going to do?”
Quickly, Micah outlined the plan to lure Parker to see his brother on Friday and be waiting with a trap. “It’s risky, but it’s all we have. We don’t know where Parker’s lair is at this point.”
“Friday, you said?”
“Yeah. Why?”
She frowned. “Nothing. That’s just when Rowan, Sariel, and I were going shopping.”
“Maybe you should reschedule. I don’t like the idea of you being out while we’re trying to trap Parker.”
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s a good idea if I’m not here. And if we all change our plans and suddenly act weird, he’ll know something’s up.”
“Baby, I wish you’d reconsider.”
He knew the instant she gave him the puppy-dog eyes he wasn’t going to win this round. Dammit. “Fine. But you’ll check in with me every hour the whole time you guys are gone.”
“Whatever keeps my honey happy. And you have to promise to be careful trying to trap that lunatic. There’s no telling what he’ll do when he realizes he’s been tricked.”
That’s what Micah was afraid of.
They lazed around for a while, but eventually the burning question on his mind wouldn’t be put off any longer. “Hey, honey, I need to go talk to Nick. I’ll be back before long.”
“Oh. Okay.”
He hated lying to her. Again. But there was no way he was going to get her hopes up and then be wrong about this. Giving her a quick kiss, he disentangled himself and pushed reluctantly from the sofa. Then he left before he could change his mind.
All the way to Sanctuary, he told himself he was a fool. This would turn out to be a wild-goose chase. Before he could lose his nerve, he approached Noah and lowered his voice.
“Got a question. It’s private.”
Nodding, the nurse led him to an alcove away from the main flow of traffic where they wouldn’t be overheard. Still, Micah kept it down. “Can you tell me if you have a patient here by the name of Faith Buchanan?”
Noah blinked at him, eyes widening. And Micah’s heart sped up.
“I, uh . . . I’m not supposed to give you that information.” But the younger man was clearly uncomfortable.
“And by whose order would that be? Nick’s? The doctors’?”
“Then who says?” Micah let Noah squirm for a few seconds before he continued. “Let me guess. The patient’s? And why would that be?”
“I’m not allowed to say.” His voice was quiet, his gaze sympathetic. “Confidentiality and all that.”
“And what room is she in? Because I promise you, if I have to go door to door and harass every single person here until I find her, I will.”
Noah stared at him, then sighed, running a hand through his blond hair. “Shit. I could get in so much trouble for this. She’s in 521. And, Micah?”
“Go easy on her, okay? She’s had it rough. Really rough. If she hasn’t approached you or Jacee yet, she has her reasons.”
Something unpleasant coiled in Micah’s gut, and he nodded. “I will.”
So, the truth was going to be more complicated than some happy reunion. Didn’t that just figure? All the way to the young woman’s room, he told himself it still could have been a case of mistaken identity. Some other girl by the name of Faith Buchanan. Who happened to end up in a hospital for lost and broken shifters.
Outside the correct door, he paused. Then knocked, knowing that somehow this visit was going to change his and his mate’s lives.
“Come in?” Soft-spoken, posed as a tentative question.
He pushed inside the room and left the door open just a bit, hoping that would make her feel a little more comfortable in his presence.
His first good look at her confirmed exactly who he believed her to be, even without solid proof. The woman was a younger, waiflike version of Jacee, pale and far too thin. The bones stood out on her delicate face, and her hair was lighter, chestnut in color. Almost colorless eyes of blue crystal stared back at him, but not so much with fear.
With shame. Exhaustion. Longing. Curiosity. Her face was an open book of emotions, her hands clenched in her lap. She was sitting in a chair by the window, a book on the table beside her. She wore a dressing robe more suitable for someone four times her age, and it was fastened all the way to her throat.
“I wondered when you’d come, Micah Chase,” she said, her voice soft and melodious. “I thought you might bring my sister.”
His mouth fell open. “You’ve known who I am? That your sister is here and mated to me?”
Sorrow pinched her features. “Only since I saw you come in the other day, so badly injured. You reached for me and called me by my sister’s name. I was so shocked, I had to learn what was going on. I asked a few questions.”
“And got your answers.”
“I’m confused,” he admitted. “Do you know how much she mourns your loss? My God, she thinks you’re dead!”
Faith plucked a tissue from the box on the table and dabbed at the tears that rolled from her eyes. “I believed she was, too. That’s what I was told.”
“By whom?”
“The Hunters who captured me, who started selling me as a prostitute.”
Horror choked him, and bile threatened to force his wine to reappear. “You were barely more than a girl when you were taken. Twelve? Thirteen?”
She gazed at him sadly. “Thirteen. I haven’t been young for a very, very long time, wolf.”
They’d sold a child. His mate’s sister. God help her. He wanted to kill them all.
“I can read your emotions in your face, and believe me, I’ve felt them all. The Hunters who took me are all dead, you know. I was rescued by your vampire allies several weeks ago and brought here to recover.”
“And you’d been with those Hunters all those years?”
“Well, the group’s members were fluid, but yes. Basically. So the ones unfortunate enough to still be around when I was liberated were killed by Prince Tarron and his coven. To hell with those evil bastards, and long live the prince.”
A bit of fire, then. His lips turned up, and hers did, too. Just a fraction.
“Why didn’t you come to us or send for us? Or at least your sister?” But hearing her story, he thought he understood now.
“I needed time. I’m still coming to grips with what I am. Or was. I don’t know who I’m supposed to be or where I’m going. I’m ashamed, even though my head knows I did what I had to do to survive.”
“You’re afraid to face Jacee.”
“Yes.” More tears. “She has a wonderful life and a new mate. I’m a disaster. The last thing I want to do is burden her with the stain that has been my life.”
Moving forward, he took the seat opposite her. He leaned toward her, but sensed she wouldn’t want to be touched, so he refrained from taking her hand. He hoped his voice and expression conveyed his deepest sincerity.
“Believe me when I say nobody was more broken than me when Jacee and I met. I was a drug addict, fighting too many demons to list, and I’m still working on both of those.”
Faith’s eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yes, though I wish it wasn’t true. To top it off, I was very sick, and it wasn’t a sure thing I was going to live. But you know what? Your sister has the biggest, most giving heart of anyone I’ve ever known. She is love personified. You can trust her, Faith.”
The young woman was silent for a time, dabbing her eyes and shredding the tissue. Finally she looked up. “Give me some more time. A few more days. Then I’ll either come see my sister or send for her.”
“You’re asking me to keep a secret from my mate.” He hated that, with his whole heart.
; “Please,” she begged. “Just a little more time. I give you my word it won’t be much longer. I want to have a plan for my life when I speak with her. I don’t want to appear so . . . broken.”
“She won’t think that of you. Even I can see you’re stronger than you realize.” She waited for his verdict, and he relented. “But okay. A few days, no more. Then either you reveal yourself, or I’ll drag her over here myself.”
“Thank you.”
“I’m glad you’re here, recovering. This is going to make her so happy,” he said softly. “I happen to know her deepest sorrow was losing you, and getting you back is going to be her greatest joy.”
“I disagree, wolf.” She smiled. “Somehow, I believe I’m looking at my sister’s greatest joy.”
Friday came, and all was in place. Micah hoped.
Tyler swore that Parker was coming to see him in the afternoon, around one o’clock. The staff at the hospital had moved Tyler to a new room on a different floor, and placed John inside it with him as a guard. Tyler’s old floor as well as the unit where he was supposed to have been moved was cleared of patients, though the doors to the rooms would be closed so their emptiness wouldn’t be evident.
Noah and the doctors would move around as normal.
Nick and Jax would be working the video monitors and would trigger the cell door when Parker stepped inside. Micah and the other Pack members would hide at intervals throughout the two floors, in the restrooms and in the stairwells, close by but out of sight. They couldn’t risk tipping off the creature.
Before lunch, Micah told Jacee good-bye and found he was sort of relieved she wasn’t going to be around now that the op was imminent. She would be in town, protected by one Pack member and one powerful Fae. That seemed a better option than being anywhere near Parker’s brand of crazy.
It was almost over. The one blight on his sunny days was the secret. Jacee knew he was acting funny, but she couldn’t put her finger on what was going on. He could read her like a book, and he could tell she was trying to figure him out. It was really starting to make him sweat. He hoped Faith didn’t wait much longer, because he couldn’t stand keeping something this huge from his mate.