Chase the Darkness Read online

Page 13

“Shit,” Micah whispered. “What the fuck is that?”

  Staring in horrified shock, he knew that if there were more of this creature, they might not live to tell anyone what they’d encountered. The thing that broke through the foliage to their left stood erect on two legs and was more than seven feet tall. Covered with a thick mat of grayish brown fur, it had a long torso, two arms, muscular shoulders, and a head sporting two upright ears and a long, snarling muzzle full of sharp teeth.

  “A fucking werewolf?” Micah whispered. Nobody heard him.

  Because right at that moment, their buddy Jones started screaming, pumping bullets into the beast’s chest. And everything went completely FUBAR—Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition.

  The creature staggered backward and then rallied quickly, rushing Jones. With a swipe of a paw the size of a dinner plate, the big bastard ripped out Jones’s throat, then tossed him aside like a twig.

  Then it turned and pounced on Raven, biting into the vee of his neck and shoulder as the man screamed. Micah started to rush toward his friend, but more of the beasts emerged from the forest, and he was forced to turn and open fire. Again, the bullets seemed to have little to no effect at all. In fact, it appeared the creatures’ wounds were healing before his eyes almost as fast as they were shot full of holes.

  “Oh, my God,” he moaned, spinning around, eyes wild. Guns weren’t going to do the trick. Quickly, he threw down his M16 and slid the long knife from its sheath on his calf.

  Hand-to-hand combat with a werewolf. Who was almost eight feet tall and could heal instantly.

  This was not going to go well.

  Nearby, Aric dropped into a crouch and palmed a grenade as their friends fell all around them after waging a battle they couldn’t win. The one who’d killed Jones shook Raven like a rag doll, released him, and ran toward Aric.

  Micah’s friend let the grenade fly. It landed at the target’s feet and exploded, sending the damn thing to hell. But it wasn’t enough. Not nearly.

  Micah faced his own battle, squaring off with one of the big bastards. Then it grinned, peeling back blackened lips to reveal long, uneven yellow teeth, and he fought down a shiver. Okay. Hand-to-hand combat. He’s got a throat and a heart, so go for those. You can do this.

  As if reading Micah’s thoughts, the creature roared and rushed him. Ducking low, Micah made his charge, evading the lethal sweep of the sharp claws as they sailed over his head. The wolf-man grunted as Micah hit its torso, and let out a screech of rage when he plunged the blade into its chest and thrust upward. Quickly, he yanked out the knife as they tumbled to the ground together; then he leapt on the beast’s chest. Its eyes were wide with very human knowledge of his intent in the split second it took Micah to slit the monster’s throat.

  Breathing hard, Micah watched the light fade from the werewolf’s gaze and knew that moment of humanity he’d glimpsed would haunt him for a long time. What were they? But there was no more time to think about it.

  Another one jumped on him from the side with a roar, knocking him off its fallen companion. Off balance, Micah landed on the arm holding the knife and desperately tried to roll, change positions. Get the knife free, his body in fighting position. But a strong set of jaws clamped down on one thigh, and he screamed, twisting. Agony tore through muscle and bone, and he beat on the creature’s head to no avail.

  The beast released him, but only to pounce again, going for Micah’s throat. Instead, Micah shoved his forearm into the wolf’s jaws, getting it snapped like a twig for his trouble. A hoarse cry escaped his lips, and the creature struck out once more, clamping down on his shoulder, fangs sinking deep and shaking him like a dog with a bone. With the last of his strength, Micah plunged the blade into the creature’s neck.

  Howling, it staggered backward and fell, clutching at its wound. Glaring at Micah, it started toward him, clearly intending to finish him, but didn’t make it. The wolf fell facedown and didn’t move, blood seeping out onto the ground.

  Panting, Micah lifted his head, ignoring the pain enveloping him; then he wished he hadn’t. His shoulder and chest were a mangled mess, as was his right leg, the bloodied femur sticking through his cammo pants. His broken arm felt like it was hanging by a thread inside his jacket.

  Dying. He was dying, and he couldn’t help his buddies. The knowledge was more agonizing than his wounds.

  Through a red haze, he saw Jax fall, then Ryon, Nix, and so many others. All of them, one by one. Except Aric, who was still putting up a good fight.

  Unsheathing his knife, Aric spun to face the beast coming up on his flank. “Come on, bitch. Let’s dance.”

  “Get him,” Micah whispered through bloodied lips. But his friend couldn’t hear.

  Aric rushed in and leapt, burying the blade to the handle in the creature’s throat. As it fell, Aric whirled and thrust out a hand, and as Micah watched in amazement, a column of flame shot out from Aric’s palm and engulfed the wolf-man. Screeching, the beast dropped to the ground, writhing as it burned.

  “Take that, cocksucker!”

  Micah blinked. What the ever-loving fuck?

  Then, moving slowly, Aric palmed another grenade. “Come on, you ugly fucker. Come to Papa.”

  The creature ran at Aric and took him to the ground, and he pulled the grenade’s pin. When the wolf stuck its nose in Aric’s face, its mouth open, his friend rammed his fist down the beast’s throat, pushing his arm as far as it would go. Immediately, the thing gagged and jerked back reflexively, clawing at his shoulder and arm to dislodge him. Aric scrambled backward, moving fast.

  The grenade detonated, spraying fur, blood, and entrails everywhere. God. Aric lay still, and Micah prayed the man wasn’t dead.

  It came to him then that the sounds of battle had ceased after the grenade. Now there were only the moans of the wounded and dying. He tried again to move, but his limbs felt as though they were encased in cement. His lungs felt wet, and he knew he was drowning in his own blood. It was just a matter of time.

  “Mom,” he choked. Tears rolled down his temples, into his hair. “I’m sorry. So sorry.”

  His mother hadn’t wanted him to join the military. Now she’d mourn her only son. And it was all his fault.

  “Hey,” a voice said from above him. A palm rested on his hair. “Easy does it.”

  Blinking, Micah tried to focus. “Who?”

  “It’s me, Zan. I’m a Healer, and I’m going to help you, okay? Just stay calm.”

  “Say what now?” Narrowing his eyes, Micah peered up at his friend. Zan’s dark hair and serious but gentle blue eyes became clear.

  “I’m a Healer,” Zan repeated, lips quirking some. But there was sadness in the small smile, and no little pain. “Surprise, huh? We all have our secrets.”

  “Who’s going to heal you?” Zan’s shoulder had been plenty mangled by those bastards.

  “Don’t worry about that right now. Let’s take care of you.”

  A Healer? The guy must be out of his mind with grief and shock. It was understandable. With his good hand, Micah gripped his friend’s arm. “Zan. Tell my mom and my sister I love them,” he whispered. “Please.”

  “Shh,” Zan soothed, placing a hand on Micah’s mangled chest. His blue eyes were filled with pain. “Just hang on. You’ll make it, trust me. You’ll see your mom and sister again. I promise.”

  “Tell them.”

  “I promise, but it won’t be necessary. Tell them yourself.”

  A brilliant blue light enveloped Micah, and warmth seeped through his battered body, to every limb. Pain and shock took their toll and finally carried him away.

  Zan had been only half right that horrible day. Micah had survived.

  But he never saw his mother again.

  * * *

  Micah finished his story and his heart clenched to see tears in his mate’s pretty eyes. “Hey, I didn’t mean to make you sad,” he said softly, kissing her lips. “It’s all in the past, no changing what happened.”

  “I kn
ow. I just can’t imagine how terrible that day was, all those lives lost.” She cupped the scarred side of his face. “It’s a miracle your group of friends survived.”

  He gave a bitter laugh. “Not so miraculous, baby. We found out not long ago that the whole encounter was set up by our own government—or a couple of warped individuals, anyway. Our group—Jax, Ryon, Nix, Zan, Aric, Raven, and me—we were put in the path of the werewolves on purpose. They knew we had Psy gifts and were aiming to turn us—the ones strong enough to survive.”

  Jacee gasped. “God, that’s awful!”

  “Yeah. No telling how many of our buddies who were killed possessed gifts, too. All those lives, wasted because of greed. A couple of top government officials were under Malik’s control, and the Unseelie made sure the rest happened like he wanted afterward.”

  “The testing in the labs to create super soldiers?”


  They lay quietly together, and he could tell she was waiting for him to say more. What more was there to say? He didn’t want that period in his life to touch her any more than it already had.

  I can feel you fretting. You can tell me anything, she whispered in his mind.

  Sitting up slightly, he gaped at her. “Whoa. Was that you?”

  Yep, that’s me! Mates really can speak telepathically. She beamed down at him.

  “I know the other mates can do it, but— Wow. That’s so cool.”

  “Try it.”

  Um, hi? He felt kind of stupid, unsure it had even worked. Until she giggled and hugged him hard.

  That’s great! Want to go for a run? We can try it out some more in our animal forms.

  Sure. We can try other things in our animal forms, too. He waggled his brows suggestively.

  She laughed. “I don’t know about that. Sort of kinky, don’t you think?”

  “Why? It would still be us. Just furry.” He paused, regarding her in amusement. “You’re a natural-born shifter. You’ve never done it, well, au naturel?”

  She shrugged. “Most of my Pack did, and it was considered no big deal. I was just never with anyone who suggested it.”




  “Are you going to pout?”

  “I’m not pouting. You haven’t said no yet.”

  Shaking her head, she slid off him and extended her hand to pull him up. “Come on. We have to get dressed so we can drive to your Pack lands for our run. It’ll be safer there.”


  Though he wasn’t keen on giving up their warm nest with Jacee in his arms, a run with her did sound fun. So he forced his lazy butt out of bed and got dressed, more than a little regretful that his mate was covering up her gorgeous skin with clothing. It would soon be removed again, however, so he cheered right up.

  In minutes, the two were racing down the road in his coupe, leaving their troubles behind if only for a while. He didn’t want anything to ruin this afternoon, especially following their mating. Today should be a day of joy, not worry over the shadows that still loomed overhead.

  Still, for a few moments, the dark craving for myst stole through him, beckoning to him to get lost in its oblivion. The drug might have been gone from his system but not the addiction, and he was terrified it would never abate.

  Not now, he told himself. Worry about it later.

  Taking his hand, Jacee studied him in concern. “Worry about what?”

  Crap. “Did I think that out loud?”

  “Um, yeah. That was totally unguarded. Not that I want you hiding your problems from me,” she hurried to add. “Like I said before, you can tell me anything.”

  “I’m not hiding anything, baby,” he assured her. Then he sighed. “It’s that damn shit I was on. I refuse to put any more of it in my body, but that hasn’t stopped the craving. It just sucks, that’s all.”

  “Oh, honey. Can’t Mac give you something for the cravings, temporarily? That’s what they do with humans when they need it.”

  “I don’t know if it would work. And honestly, I don’t know if I want to trade one bad drug for another.”

  “Okay.” But she didn’t sound convinced. “I’ll support you, whatever you want or need.”

  “Thanks. That means more than you know.”

  In minutes, he was turning down the road to the compound and accessing the gate. Once they were under way again, he took them in a different direction from before to take their run. An idea began to form, and he shoved all unpleasant thoughts from his mind. Excitement began to grow as he finally parked on the shoulder and shut off the ignition.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “When you are.” They got out and walked a ways into the woods before she asked, “How far are we from the compound right now?”

  “Not far. Only about three-fourths of a mile, that way.” He pointed past where he’d left the car.

  As they’d done before, they hiked into the brush and undressed, leaving their clothing folded neatly on a fallen log. Micah took a few moments to leer at his naked woman, then shifted effortlessly into his wolf, dropping to all fours. Soon his little coyote was beside him, as eager as he was to get going.

  He started them off, taking the lead. I’ve got a place I want to show you.

  Okay. Where?

  You’ll see. It’s not far from here, maybe another half a mile.

  I can sense your excitement.

  Oh, yeah? Just wait. If he had been in human form, he wouldn’t have been able to hide his smile.

  Soon, he came to a break in the trees. The clearing was dappled in late-afternoon sunlight, surrounded by majestic trees and bordered at the far side by a pretty stream. Slowing to a walk, he crossed to the center of the meadow and sat on his haunches. Beside him, she nuzzled his face, gave him a lick, then did the same, sitting next to him.

  What do you think of this place? he inquired.

  It’s beautiful. But then, most areas around here are.

  True. He paused. Could you see us making a life here?

  At that, she changed back to human form in an instant and sat gaping at him. “You mean, here? On this spot?”

  Shifting back as well, he smiled, taking one of her hands in his. “Yes. What do you think?”

  “What about the first place where we ran that night?”

  “It’s gorgeous there, too, but this area is closer to the compound. I think Nick would be more likely to approve us building a home here. He has to think of the team, of course, and how fast we can come together if we get a call.”

  She thought about that, appearing to grow excited as well. “And since it’s only about a mile and a half away from the compound, you can be there in less than five minutes.”


  “What if he gives his okay and it causes the other mated couples to want their own private residences, too? He might decide that’s too many of the Pack off the main grounds.” A bit of worry clouded her optimism.

  “I thought of that, but I honestly don’t think it’s going to be a problem. Most of them truly like living there. I do, too. It’s just . . . I don’t know. Ever since I was rescued and brought back here, I’ve felt smothered. I have a deep-seated need for space, or I think I’ll go nuts, and I know Nick gets that.”

  Happiness and hope entered her eyes again, and she smiled. “Then I think we should ask him and see what he says.”

  “Really?” He clutched her hand tight and pulled her into his lap.

  “Definitely.” She wound her arms around his neck, pressed a lingering kiss to his lips. “Though if we’re going to live out here, we need to get an SUV of some kind or that Mercedes of yours is going to take a beating.”

  “Whatever you say.”

  “You know what I’ve noticed?”

  “No,” he said. “What?”

  “You’re not self-conscious when you smile anymore.”

  He felt his face heat some. “That’s because you make me feel good from the i
nside out. I told you, when I feel ugly it’s not so much about my scars. It’s how I got them. How corroded those bastards made me feel, down in my soul.”

  “I know, honey,” she said softly. “But that’s changing. You’re healing.”

  “I am, mostly thanks to you.”

  “I’m so sorry they hurt you. I wish I could kill them all for what they did to you and the other victims.”

  “My vicious coyote,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood again.

  “I’m serious.”

  “I know.”

  “How did they—”

  “No,” he interrupted, knowing what she was going to ask. “There’s no need for you to hear all the gory details. They liked to hurt me, and they made me hurt others for their project. I was never forced to harm anyone sexually, but I wasn’t given that same consideration where the guards were concerned. That’s all I’m ever going to say on that matter because it’s in the past.”

  “Is it?” She searched his gaze.


  He meant it. How he had been abused had never been as important to him as having been made to put others through suffering. That was the real root of his issues. She must’ve felt his honesty, because she let the subject drop. Instead, she cupped his face and kissed him fiercely, straddling him and wriggling on his lap. His cock responded with enthusiasm, hardening to press into the cleft of her butt cheeks. Her movements caused shivers of excitement in his groin and the base of his spine, spreading to every cell.

  Palming her breasts, he nibbled her neck, inhaling her heady scent. Inside, his wolf growled but Micah kept a tight hold on him. Barely. Both man and beast desperately wanted her wrapped around his cock. The latter was demanding things his way and unhappy about being blocked.

  Her arousal sweetened the air. Through their bond, he felt her coyote respond to her mate. They were both clawing to be set free, but their human sides retained control. They ate at each other’s mouths hungrily as she guided his cock to her opening, then lowered herself onto his length. He hissed in pleasure when she began to ride him, bucking against him, moving faster until he was nearly mindless.

  Their bodies slapped together fiercely, their moans becoming part of the song of the forest. They belonged here, among the trees, birds, and other creatures, simply another mated pair doing what came naturally, but much more.